Saturday, February 13, 2010

Learning About Hair


We took Tryana and Kalysta to a salon on Tuesday to have their hair rebraided. The ladies there were very helpful and gave us many tips for taking care of their hair. We expected the braids to stay in for a little while so that we wouldn't need to tackle their hair for the first couple weeks home. Wrong. Yesterday, they used a doll's brush to pull out part of their braids. That meant that I got to make my first attempt on their hair sooner than planned. The nice ladies at the salon showed me a couple hairstyles that they thought I'd be able to handle without too much trouble. I decided to try what they said is the easiest to do. It really wasn't too hard. Here are some pictures of this first shot at styling their hair. I think it turned out pretty good. You can judge for yourselves.


  1. Looks great! I'm so intimidated by the thought of hair care, although I expect we'll be referred a boy since we didn't specify gender. I'm sure there's huge learning curve, but you're off to a great start. :)

  2. Thanks. It is a little intimidating, isn't it? Their hair stayed in during the night - phew! We didn't specify gender with our request either, so who knows? I find such comfort in knowing that God knows who should be placed in each of our families.

  3. Looks great!!! I'm sure you'll be an old pro before you know it!

  4. Laura, Thanks so much for blogging about this! Your girls are just gorgeous! Hair has really been a matter of surrender and prayer for me (I know that sounds silly- if we get referred a girl I just want to do it right) I am already so thankful for offers of help from my black girl friends :) The style you did looks great!


  5. The girls hair looks great. I am still a little worried about Tabitha's. We are just getting through conditioning, not long enough yet to worry about style.
    Noelle Clark
