Saturday, January 30, 2010

Warming Up to Us


It is cool to watch Tryana and Kalysta learn as they warm up to us. They are learning our names. We were going to teach them how to count and were surprised to see that they can count to 10, say their ABCs, and sing "Jesus Loves Me" all in English!

K is so sweet! Today, she said "Nda gukunda" (Kinyarwanda for "I Love You") to T. Her laugh is also cute. They are both laughing and talking more and more.

They love all their toys. They love to play with all the water bottles and always take the clothes off their dolls. T and K love to play with Dad's ipod touch (just like M and me) and think they can touch every electronic with a screen! They also love to wear their jackets (with the hoods on). I can't wait to see how else they change as they are with us longer.


  1. Thanks for the update, Alyssa! It is so fun to hear your thoughts and experiences. I hope that your trip home goes smoothly! We have been praying for you guys!

  2. You're a wonderful big sister, Alyssa, and Kalysta and Tryana are blessed to be a part of your family! I am certain that you will be a BIG help in their transition home!

