Monday, January 25, 2010

Second Day


We started our day by going to the passport office. It went faster than we expected. It could have taken a very long time since there were 12 kids to process.

That left us with extra time to hang out at the hotel. We went to the playground, played on our balcony, and played with some of the girls' friends in the courtyard. These kids sure can yell. They were having a lot of fun.

Tryana and Kalysta are definitely becoming more comfortable with us. They're looking us in the eye for longer periods. Tryana had lots of big smiles yesterday already, but it's been fun to see Kalysta smile and hear her laugh today as well.

Those of you who know Alyssa and Myranda will find this interesting. Kalysta and Tryana line up everybody's shoes just like their big sisters used to do.

This is the first night we've had Tryana and Kalysta with us. It was fun to get them into their snuggly pajamas. All four girls are already asleep (our earliest night so far) and I'm on my way there now, too.


  1. Unbelievable! It's so great to see the whole family now. That photo is on our fridge. Take care and wishing you a safe journey home.
    Love, Liz & Lee

  2. What wonderful news! The girls look so happy. How great that you continue to follow God's leading in changing lives. We will pray for the transition.
    Ted & Connie

  3. Love, love, love following your journey!! I'm signing you guys up for our speakers at the AWA spring seminar! Your family is beautiful!! Blessings to you all!
    The Gividens
