Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thanks & Orphanage Tour


Yesterday, we had a free morning, so we went to a park with a few other families so the kids could play. The trampoline was a big hit. The Snead's and the Woodman's have also adopted two children, and these older kids enjoy playing together. They have some interesting ways of interacting, so we're all learning new things by observing this.

We've had several tantrums now, which we think is a good thing in a way since it shows that they're getting used to us, but it's also very difficult. We cannot let them manipulate us, but we also cannot parent them in all the same ways we could if we had had them from birth. We're hoping and praying that some of this will be easier to figure out when we're home with a more normal routine and more time for sleep.

A big THANK YOU to those who gave us donations for the orphanage. We pooled the money that a few families had collected and were able to buy a truckload of food! It was great to see all those sacks of food being unloaded.

We had a tour of Home of Hope yesterday also. We are so grateful to the sisters and the caretakers for all they do. They take such good care of the children and the elderly and disabled in the other buildings. We are glad we got to see where Tryana and Kalysta have been living so that we can tell them about it when they are older.

However, living in an orphanage, of course, can never come close to having a family. God created us to be in families. That was His original design. There are SO many children all over the world who need families. If you have any sense at all that God might be asking you to look into adopting, please take that step to check it out. And please let us know if you ever have any questions. We would love to help you explore the possibility.

1 comment:

  1. Traveling can be very tiring, let alone with 4 young children! Our hearts go out to you and we pray for patience and strength for all of the Dokolas'! Liz and Lee
