Sunday, February 7, 2010

We're Home!


We made it home last night. The flights were pretty uneventful. Everyone took a nap on the 5-hour flight from Nairobi to Dubai. We had a short layover and then about a 16-hour flight to LAX. The individual screens were a big hit for Tryana and Kalysta and they took a couple long naps again. Alyssa and Myranda were terrific travelers on the way home also. The Watson's and the Fisher's flew with us. Nick's parents picked us up at the airport. We stopped for dinner about halfway through our 2-hour drive home. It still seemed like a long drive since we were so tired, but it felt great to arrive home.

We've spent the day unpacking and introducing T & K to our home. We'll try to fill you in on the rest of our time in Kenya very soon. Thanks again for all of the kind comments and e-mails and for your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Uneventful flights are the best way to go! We're glad you are safely home.
    Liz & Lee
