Friday, February 12, 2010

School & Other Funny Things


I've been asked how we're managing school at this point. Basically, Alyssa and Myranda are taking turns playing with their little sisters when I need to be doing school with one of them. It's taking much longer to get through our schoolwork, but I think it will get easier as Tryana and Kalysta learn the rules of our family and how to speak English better. Alyssa and Myranda are having a great attitude with it all.

Yesterday, Tryana was dancing like a cow with our peace basket on her head just like the dancers we saw our last night in Rwanda. It was adorable!

T & K are fascinated with the vacuum cleaner. They have a look of fear on their faces, but they follow right behind me and keep touching the machine. It's quite funny.

Yesterday was the first day we didn't go anywhere in the car. T & K kept asking to go in the car. It seems to be one of their favorite things so far. They don't even mind being buckled into their car seats.


  1. Your school day is starting to sounds like my school day. :) Taking turns playing together will be great sister-bonding!

  2. 1) the cow dance story is adorable
    2) I'm impressed that your kids have seen a vacuum cleaner since you've been home. a clean house has not been on my list of survival this week!
