Saturday, March 6, 2010

Tryana's Birthday


It was Tryana's birthday yesterday. We "tested" her throughout the day by asking how old she is. She would get a big smile, hold up 4 fingers, and say "Four!"

We had a small family party last night. We had a car theme since Tryana is so fascinated by cars. Here are some pictures from her big day.






  1. Those car cakes are incredible! Laura, did you make those? I am super impressed. :-) My niece Anne's birthday is also on March 5th, but she just turned 3.

    Thank you for your consistent updates on your blog. I enjoy reading them, and "experiencing" the adoption process with you. I am rejoicing with you over the gift of all 4 of your daughters, with all the joys and challenges they bring. Praise God!

  2. Happy Birthday Tryana!!!!! :)

  3. Wow, Happy Birthday, Tryana! Those cakes are very cool!
