Monday, March 15, 2010

Hugs & Kisses


We are so encouraged to be receiving spontaneous hugs and kisses from Kalysta and Tryana the last few days! K is pretty cuddly and has hugged us from the beginning, but the kisses are new. And this is a huge change for T. We are so excited for this positive step in our bonding!


  1. that's awesome Nick and laura!! SO excited for you. every one of these moments is a small, ached and prayed for miracle. so happy for you :)

  2. Tyson and I were so excited when we got the postcard from you with the pictures of your two new beautiful girls!!! We can't wait for the chance to meet them! If you ever need a night off or anything else, we're always just a phone call away and would be more than happy to take care of your four girls! :D
