Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our Approval


We are excited!

This morning we got our approval from the Rwanda government to adopt! It was through e-mail and the attachment is blurry so all that we can see of the date is October and two digits. That means we are much further along than we thought.

Next steps are receiving our referral (who the kids are), court date, and travel.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Nick and Laura and girls! How very exciting! We have quit a few friends across the country that have adopted in recent years. Some very dear friends of ours in NC have a great blog that you might be interested in. They have adopted 4 children, the most recent from Africa.

    Jason works for Abba Fund
    which I am sure you guys have heard of. He has a blog for adoptive fathers that I am betting you would enjoy Nick.

    Looking forward to following this journey with you guys and praying for you all!
